In partnership with Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Public Health, NCJTC is engaged in the research and development of innovative approaches to advancing traffic safety and enforcement. In addition to JHU, NCJTC is collaborating with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the State Highway Safety Organization, the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, and the Florida State University Policing Research and Policy Institute to support and enhance the National Law Enforcement Liaison (LEL) Program (NLELP). NLELP aims to improve communication between LELs, coordinate LEL activities nationwide, provide LEL training and guidance workshops, and offer technical assistance.
This project consists of four key research areas:
* Approaches to speed management and speeding enforcement
* Approaches to seat belt and child passenger safety by law enforcement
* Impaired driving enforcement strategies
* Assessment of state LEL programs - performing a detailed study of the design, operation, and performance of the LEL program to demonstrate an improved program model that enables LELs to facilitate widespread adoption of improved enforcement techniques by law enforcement agencies and personnel.