Grand Casino Mille Lacs
777 Grand Ave
Onamia, MN 56359
There is NO FEE to attend this training; however, pre-registration is required. The deadline to register is July 11, 2018. Registrations will still be accepted after this date based on your qualifications to attend and if seats are still available. Tuition, student materials, and instructional costs are provided by the AMBER Alert Training & Technical Assistance Program.
Class Number: 54100
Approval to attend this training is subject to the approval of the host agency as well as your qualifications submitted on your registration.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer
This Web site is funded in part through grants from BJA, COPS, OJJDP, OJP, OVC, SMART, and U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this Web site (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).
Thank you for requesting training and technical assistance!
Our dedicated NCJTC staff will contact you within 2 business days of receipt of this request to discuss your needs and how we can help. We appreciate your interest in our training programs and look forward to serving you.
Do you know the 12 primary components that should be part of every AMBER Alert plan strategy? This overview of the national AMBER Alert plan strategy examines those 12 primary components and highlights best practice recommendations. The evolution of AMBER Alert plans across the Nation will be explored by comparing plan profiles obtained first in 2003, then again in 2005. Analysis of AMBER Alert request denials conclude the discussion.
10:15 AM -11:15 AM
Abduction- Family Perspective
How does the crime of child abduction affect the family? This presentation gives participants an opportunity to hear first-hand how family members cope with the pain and anguish of the search for an abducted child. Their experiences can help investigators improve their response to future cases involving missing and abducted children. This is why we are here.
11:15 AM -12:30 PM
Investigative Strategies in Child Abduction Cases- Planning and Initial Response
The critical first steps in response will often determine the outcome of a case. This block will give participants critical strategies for preplanning a response, the role of the first responding officers, and how to best utilize training and resources. The role of 911 will also be explored. A brief case study will also be used to highlight main topic areas relating to initial response.
12:30 PM -1:30 PM
Lunch (provided)
Provided by Minnesota BCA and the MN AMBER Alert Fundraiser Group
1:30 PM -3:30 PM
Investigative Strategies in Child Abduction Cases- Conducting Search and Canvass Operations
Students will learn about the mechanics of conducting the search and canvass. Topics will include methods for determining canvass areas, assigning responsibilities, team make-up, use of standardized forms, methods of combining search tactics and interviewing in the process of the canvass. Students will develop specific questions to be used in the canvass interview and will demonstrate knowledge of the methods used to document activities.
3:30 PM -5:00 PM
Child Abduction Case Study
This module takes a hard look at a real case to find out what lessons can be learned from the experiences of others. This case study will highlight the significance of each phase in an abducted missing child investigation. Participants will work through the case, look at the potential implications of activating or not activating an AMBER Alert, and evaluate lessons learned.
August 9, 2018
9:00 AM -10:30 AM
Digital Evidence: Investigative Strategies and Resources
This module will present the attendees with current information on how to identify and collect digital evidence such as computers, mobile devices, and other popular storage media. Digital evidence is fragile and participants will also learn how to safeguard and preserve digital evidence in its original form learning what types of information can be retrieved from individual devices. In addition, audiences will gain a good understanding of the Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program.
10:30 AM -12:30 PM
Minnesota AMBER Alert Plan and BCA Resources
This module covers the Minnesota AMBER Alert plan and procedures as well as BCA investigative resources and the tools available for missing person cases. In addition, Minnesota’s Brandon’s Law Requirements and other alerting tools will be covered.
12:30 PM -1:30 PM
Lunch (provided)
Provided by Minnesota BCA and the MN AMBER Alert Fundraiser Group
1:30 PM -3:00 PM
Overcoming Jurisdictional Challenges
Participants will learn about the challenges of jurisdiction in Indian Country. The various types of jurisdiction, offenders and courts will be discussed. Participants will discuss effective strategies for insuring that cases are referred to the appropriate authority for investigation and prosecution.
3:00 PM -4:45 PM
Planning Session: Policy Implementation and Next Steps
During this session will be provided a draft policy and procedural outline. You will work with your team members to customize the policy and procedures to adapt to your agency and community. Your will use guidelines and best practices to develop procedures for your agency and community to utilize when a child is missing to determine if the case meets the AMBER Alert criteria, how to request an AMBER Alert activation, and next steps following an activation. You will finalize a draft policy as well as procedures during this session to take back for implementation.
A hold has been placed on your account, which is preventing you from registering for this training. Please contact us at or call us at 855-866-2582.