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February 27-28, 2024 | New Orleans, LA
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February 27-28, 2024 | New Orleans, LA
The National AMBER Alert Symposium is designed to bring together over 200 State and Regional AMBER Alert coordinators, Missing Person Clearinghouse Managers, tribal leaders, public safety, emergency management and federal officials to collaborate, share best practices, discuss the latest developments in the field and to train with other child protection partners to improve response and recovery of endangered missing and exploited children.
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**This event is approved by DOJ.** Schedule: February 27 | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Central February 28 | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Central
* Emergency Management * Law Enforcement * Law Enforcement Support * Tribes/Tribal Partners/MMIP Personnel * Victim Services * Child Protection Workers * Prosecutors * Social workers * Community Corrections Officers
Hotel Monteleone 214 Royal Street New Orleans, LA 70130
Hotel Monteleone 214 Royal Street New Orleans, LA 70130 [Hotel Link to Book]( Call in Reservations – Specify 2024 AMBER-AIIC Symposium Attendees (504) 523-3341 or (800) 535-9595 Room Block Deadline: February 4, 2024 Room Rate: $184 plus tax/night
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Go back to requestChild Abduction Response Teams (CART) have proven to be highly effective in responding to missing or endangered child events. A collaborative approach in the overall response will increase the chances of recovering the child. Examine the structure of the CART, hear examples of the importance of each element of the team, and learn vital methods to sustain the team. Explore current cases which demonstrate how a CART is needed in every community.
An international cross-border abduction can raise the complexity of an investigative response. The component of the child being in another country slows down and complicates the recovery effort and investigation. Identify current trends in cross-border abductions and examine the motives for them. Distinguish the difference between the crimes of smuggling and trafficking of children from Mexico into the U.S.
Examine two scenarios which involve a missing child and their family: an abduction of a child by a family member and the report of an abduction by a family member (when the child was actually murdered). Compare and contrast specific characteristics of these types of child abductions and identify the crucial initial investigative steps of each. Categorize patterns and indicators which can assist law enforcement in quickly discerning if a report is false. Numerous case studies of false reports will be presented and deconstructed to identify the risk factors which indicate a possible false report.
Through AMBER Alert in Indian Country Initiative has assisted tribal communities in developing programs to safely recover endangered missing or abducted children through coordinated efforts of tribes, their local state and federal partners. Recently AIIC has connected with Chickaloon Police in Sutton, Alaska to expand resources. This session will provide information on the challenges and resources of the Alaskan Native Village of Chickaloon and how their police are making differences to address their needs.
Historically, a review of child abduction investigations has shown that the ability to manage leads in the early stages of an investigation has a direct impact on the success of the investigation. Examine various leads management systems available to you and learn how to implement a leads management system which will organize and disseminate leads in your investigations. Explore a case study which demonstrates the vital role of a leads management system.
When a child goes missing and the case goes unsolved, the case may languish for years if no new information comes in. Discover relevant tools and resources available to law enforcement to take a closer look at the case and possibly identify new leads and suspects. Explore online tools, research methods, and other current DNA related resources available to assist with these cases.
The decision to activate or deny a request for activation is dependent on information provided by the requesting agency. During this crucial stage of the decision-making process examine the AMBER Alert Coordinator’s role in efficiently and quickly verifying pertinent information. Ask essential questions to assist in making the appropriate decision. Scenarios will be presented which participants will work through then determine - activate or not activate the AMBER Alert?
The session is designed to provide participants with insight into an unresolved missing person case and the dynamics of an incident involving challenges in Indian Country, the skills of which are directly transferable to and are applicable to missing child investigations in Indian Country. We don’t have a lot of case studies in Indian Country specific to missing children, so we sometimes rely on the investigative skillset for missing persons in Indian Country to demonstrate how to effectively manage and investigate a missing child in Indian Country.
4-year-old Maci Lilley was reported missing and would not be found for two days. Examine the case from initial report to Maci’s recovery. Walk through the chilling case step by step and examine search processes, witnesses interviewed, and evidence developed which led to finding Maci.
Nadia Bloom was 11 years old when she asked her parents if she could go for a bike ride. When she did not return she was reported missing. Analyze the agonizing four days Nadia was missing, from the initial call to the conclusion of the case. Examine the response organization, investigative response, and leveraging of resources which supported the CART activation in a massive effort to find Nadia.
Investigating a child sex trafficking case while recognizing the need for advocacy throughout the process can be a challenge both for law enforcement and for advocates. Explore the different perspectives each bring to their contacts with victims. Identify 5 core values of partnership which will enable you to have a successful and productive team as you serve the most vulnerable of victims. Examine a victim’s perspective of a law enforcement-led advocacy team and hear how it impacted her life.
A guided, interactive discussion amongst Tribal participants around key questions and considerations developed out of feedback and actions resulting from the April 2023 Symposium’s region breakouts.
Information about the day’s sessions, and a brief recap and follow-up on any items needed from day one.
A guided, interactive discussion amongst Region 2 states/participants around key questions and considerations developed out of feedback and actions resulting from the April 2023 Symposium’s region breakouts.
A guided, interactive discussion amongst Region 3 states/participants around key questions and considerations developed out of feedback and actions resulting from the April 2023 Symposium’s region breakouts.
A guided, interactive discussion amongst Region 4 states/participants around key questions and considerations developed out of feedback and actions resulting from the April 2023 Symposium’s region breakouts.
A guided, interactive discussion amongst Region 5 states/participants around key questions and considerations developed out of feedback and actions resulting from the April 2023 Symposium’s region breakouts.
A guided, interactive discussion amongst Region 1 states/participants around key questions and considerations developed out of feedback and actions resulting from the April 2023 Symposium’s region breakouts.
Volunteers may show up to a CART activation scene unsolicited but with good intention. It is crucial that volunteers are managed correctly to minimize distraction or interference with the search and investigation of the missing child. Examples will be given of high-profile cases involving volunteers and a review of tips and tactics for the helpful utilization of volunteers, while still protecting your investigation and search activities during the incident.
Being nationally recognized by the Department of Justice as a certified CART is considered a crucial step for teams and promotes sustainability of the team. Identify the standards for CART certification which are vital to optimal team performance during a missing child event. Recognize the certification process and how to organize a plan for your CART’s certification.
Examine two scenarios which involve a missing child and their family: an abduction of a child by a family member and the report of an abduction by a family member (when the child was actually murdered). Compare and contrast specific characteristics of these types of child abductions and identify the crucial initial investigative steps of each. Categorize patterns and indicators which can assist law enforcement in quickly discerning if a report is false. Numerous case studies of false reports will be presented and deconstructed to identify the risk factors which indicate a possible false report.
This training will provide participants with skills to increase their cultural awareness and response for a family of a missing or abducted child from a tribal community. The presenter will provide insight in the impact of trauma on current service provisions to American Indian and Alaskan Native families, as well as recommendations for culturally sensitive engagement.
Analyze a child abduction case study involving the southern border of Mexico. The complexities of a cross-border abduction will be revealed through the harrowing familial kidnapping of two children. Identify the key responses by first responders and investigators which were pivotal to the outcome of the case. Distinguish points of networking by law enforcement agencies and non-law enforcement agencies which enabled investigators to piece together the case.
Information is one of the most important assets for law enforcement agencies. The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) provides an immediate flow of data which allows law enforcement to make informed and timely decisions. Myths, facts, and risk factors regarding runaways and family abductions related to NCIC will be discussed. Review the critical steps involved with entering a missing or abducted child into NCIC and the continued management of that information.
The session is designed to provide participants with insight into an unresolved missing person case and the dynamics of an incident involving challenges in Indian Country, the skills of which are directly transferable to and are applicable to missing child investigations in Indian Country. We don’t have a lot of case studies in Indian Country specific to missing children, so we sometimes rely on the investigative skillset for missing persons in Indian Country to demonstrate how to effectively manage and investigate a missing child in Indian Country.
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