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December 10-13, 2024 | Kansas City, MO
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December 10-13, 2024 | Kansas City, MO
Improve multidisciplinary team (MDT) responses to child sex trafficking cases. Gather information about improving or establishing a formal MDT in your community. Identify gaps and develop short and long- term response plans with the help of subject matter experts. To attend this training, you must be part of a multidisciplinary team and your team members must attend with you, from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 10. Each team member should register individually. To make your team easily identifiable, all team members should use the same name for their team leader during the registration process. If you need assistance in building your team, please contact our office at the number/email below.
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**For information concerning continuing education units, please view our [policies]( page.** Registration deadline is Friday, November 8, 2024. **Training Schedule:** December 10 | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM December 11 | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM December 12 | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM December 13 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM This 3.5 day team-based training will guide existing Multidisciplinary Teams (MDT) to improve their response to Child Sex Trafficking (CST), as well as assist those who seek to establish a formal MDT in their communities to more effectively respond to CST cases. Subject matter experts will work with teams to identify gaps and develop short and long-term response plans. To attend this training, you must be part of a multidisciplinary team and your team members must attend with you, from a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 10. Each team member should register individually. To make your team easily identifiable, all team members should use the same name for their team leader during the registration process. If you need assistance in building your team, please contact our office at the number/email below. Attendance at a course such as System Response to High Risk Victims-Child Sex Trafficking (HRV CST) or Investigative Strategies in Child Abduction Cases (ISCAC), or have a working knowledge of child sex trafficking is highly recommended.
Upon completion of this training, you will be able: * Differentiate between responses to traditional child abuse and child sex trafficking cases * Utilize the components of an effective MDT for child sex trafficking * Recognize and locate youth at risk victimization * Create a plan that encompasses strengths, challenges and a direction for your MDT response to child sex trafficking
* Community Corrections Officer * Court System Personnel * Emergency Management * Law Enforcement * Law Enforcement Support * Prosecutors * Social Workers * Tribes/Tribal Partners * Victim Service Providers
The Residence Inn Kansas City Airport 10300 North Ambassador Drive Kansas City, MO 64153 816-741-2300 *A room block has been secured at the federal government rate, and approved attendees will receive a specific booking link with their confirmation email.*
Tuition, class materials, and instructional costs are provided by the Missing and Exploited Children Training and Technical Assistance Program. Lodging, travel expenses and incidentals like food and parking will be paid by the attendee. The Missing and Exploited Children Training and Technical Assistance Program (MEC Training and TA) through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, is able to provide lodging assistance to a limited number of non-federal attendees. This assistance is based on need and is not guaranteed to every applicant. Priority will be given to those from historically underserved communities. Lodging assistance will cover the cost of room and tax for the nights of December 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2024. Class ends at 12:00pm on Friday, December 13, 2024. Lodging arrangements for those who are approved for lodging assistance will be made by MEC Training and TA. If you would like to apply for lodging assistance, please click **[HERE](**
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